How to Improve your Google Ads Quality Score Quickly?

how to improve your Google Ads quality score

In the year 2000, Google created a digital marketing platform Google Ads, previously known as Google AdWords. During its launch, only 350 advertisers were using the service to build its brand awareness. Now, Google Ads has more than 1 million marketers and is a multi-billion-dollar extension of the company.

Google Ads has become a highly-competitive landscape for so many marketers using the service to increase traffic and Return on Investment. If you want to succeed, you must use every possible resource available to your advantage. Through quality Score, google determines your consumer audience. This equation is fundamental to remember throughout your marketing journey.

Further, we look into:

  • Definition of a Google Ads quality score
  • Various types of Quality scores
  • Why these scores matter
  • How you can change your Score

defination of google ads

Definition of a Google Ads Quality Score

The Google Ads Quality Score is a combination of factors that describe your ad's overall relevancy to the customer. The marketers with high-quality scores have better ranks. There are three main criteria on which the outcome of the Score depends:

  • Expected Clickthrough Rate: The chance of your ad campaign to be noticed and clicked by a consumer.
  • Landing Page Experience: The convenience and organization of your layout and sitemap and the overall experience of the site to the consumer.
  • Ad Relevance: The relevance of your advertisement to the user's search query and intention.

The Score is given between 1-10 and is meant to help the marketers maximize their efforts to impact the customer. When there is some problem in the engine of the car, a warning light is shown; similarly, the Google Ad score shows if there is something wrong with your ad or website so that one can fix it.

method to check google ads quality score

Method to Check Your Google Ads Quality Score

The marketers need to run a keyword diagnosis to check their current quality score. One can do this by selecting "campaign" and then "keywords." A white speech box will be visible next to the keywords on the page. Use this to see if there is already a score, including the relevance, landing page experience, and expected clickthrough rate of the keyword.

Here, you can also view the history of the Quality Score components by selecting quality score (history), landing page experience (history), etc., and click "apply."

Various types of Quality Scores

Every marketer would know what quality scoring at the keyword level means for the competition, but there's more to Quality Score ranking than keywords alone. Further, there are few other different types of quality scores to monitor. These include:

keywords quality score

Keyword Quality Score

The most trusted and accepted quality Score among all is the keyword quality score. The keyword Quality Score can be seen from your Google Ads dashboard. The aim is always to get to as close to as 10 in ranks from 1-10 as possible. It's merely is based upon the number of consumers who search using your keywords.

To score it accurately the Google uses the whole history, which helps choose your keywords. The Google user base defines your keyword. You will see a rank form, and the low or high rating will impact how you rant online. The contributing factors on which the keywords are ranked includes:

  • Relation of a keyword to content and its proper use
  • Relevance of keyword to consumers viewing your ad
  • Previous keyword scores
  • Expected clickthrough rate based on the keyword used previously

landing page quality score

Landing Page Quality Score

Google has always represented itself in the market as a user-first company. They always strive towards providing their searcher's high-quality results, which means that the site owners must deliver high-quality content to rank.

Factor influencing LPQS are:

  • Relevancy of content
  • Ease of navigation
  • Transparency of policies
  • Unique copy

Your Score and higher ROI depends upon keyword Quality Score. One of the indicating factors on which the rank depends is landing page experience. Although Google does not expressly mention it, the landing page plays a vital role in the success of other areas of your ad.

Mobile Quality Score

The mobile score factors location into its decision-making process. The device is being located via the GPS tracker accounts for the ranked ads seen on the viewfinder. Therefore, on mobile devices, your ad might rank differently as compared to desktop devices.

ad group quality score

Ad Group Quality Score

This Score represents your total rank at the ad level. It includes everything which might impact how an ad is being perceived and accepted by your audience.

After tackling the ad score, the marketers focus on the groups of advertisements and their marking indicators.

Keywords, relevancy, and consumer perception are reviewed, starting with the ad group with the lowest performance.

To boost the overall average of your ads, you must focus on the low-performing ads first. By adding up keyword quality scores for an ad group and averaging them, you can monitor the Score.

Importance of Quality Scores

Google is the most user-friendly platform out there as it understands without users, it isn't worth much. With more than 5 billion users out there, the company makes all of its sites of the same quality and provides the best user experience.

Quality scores are essential because they denote the values of Google and how they are reflected in your keywords, landing pages, and in your ads. Quality scores show Google which sites follow the rules and which ads aren't worth showing to their regular searchers.

Even if the Google does not have an eye for the customer service, your quality score is essential for your brand's success as it reflects what customer feels about the brand. The statistics which the Google uses to determine your ad relevancy match the way consumer rate websites for themselves. The consumer asks themselves questions like:

  • Did the link exactly take me where I wanted, and was it honest?
  • Did the copy in that ad look like it was forced to include keywords, or was it natural?
  • Do I get around the site without confusion?

Moreover, your quality score tells your eligibility to appear in a user search. Meaning your ad and landing page could be completely invisible to consumers.

Finally, your rank is derived through your quality scores. As mentioned above, the paid ads have ranked the same way organic results do. Your rank will depend upon the quality Score. If your Score is low, so will be the rank. Low scores also affect your visibility. It's a tough circle to break. It becomes more apparent when you consider that most clicks are within the first three paid advertisements on Google's result page.

But don't let this take over your head. As we have mentioned earlier that it is a long-term project; marketers can improve quality scores in several ways.

tips to improve quality score

Tips to Improve Your Quality Score

It would have been nicer if the quality scores improved themselves, but that's not possible, at least as of now. So, you as a marketer must be prepared to make changes and updates as soon as the low-quality Score reports arrive. Here are some ways to improve your Score:

1. Review Data reports for Impression Share: The impression share is the number of times your ads are viewed out of the number of times they could have been considered. Invisible ads don't get clicked, so your impression share is essential to know.

2. Use Keywords that Aren't Too Broad or Too Niche: When it comes to keywords, Google has a very bad case of a "Goldilocks Syndrome." They must be Just right and Perfect. If you use too broad keywords, you will only lose yours as in the crowd of many others bragging on the same phrase. In the same way, the keywords that are too niche will also narrow your viewership. The keyword in between the both will guarantee a more visible ad.

3. Restructure Landing Pages to Reflect Ad Groups: This may sound like a lot of work, and indeed it could be, but the results are always worth the payoff. One of the significant factors Google looks for in your landing page is relevancy to the searcher and to the ad they arrived from. Was the ad honest? Do the keywords match? Did it paint a picture of your landing page? These are all critical questions.

4. Maintaining Your Quality Score: Google not only looks at your current Score but the history of your overtime. So always remember that the duration of your Score matters, not just only your current Score. So, whether you rank high now, you must keep on working to maintain your Score on top as it will also make an impression on Google and your customers.

Sachin Gupta

Author Sachin Gupta - Digital Marketing Consultant


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