WordPress Site Settings That Play A Crucial Role In The Success Of Your SEO

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If you feel that WordPress SEO is successful and similar to publishing a post and walking away and just waiting for the rank, then you are highly wrong because it is more challenging. Today the world is competitive, so you must ensure that your SEO is holistic and natural. If you want complete success with SEO, you have to check out the checklist mentioned here to help you stand out in the crowd.

Basics you need to know about WordPress SEO

SEO is what makes your WordPress website more visible on the search results of Google and other search engines. When you do SEO the right way, you will be able to enhance the quality and quantity of the organic traffic to your website. Understanding Google's analytics can help you plan to review the SEO practices. It is essential to know exactly how SEO works for WordPress to get a complete understanding of SEO.

Google also has a process to list or index the websites, which will show in the user search results. But because the list is constantly changing in real-time, it will be impossible for your team to manually maintain the index of the website. Google users’ proprietary algorithms as such, and the programs are known as web crawlers to systematically crawl the Internet and run the updates on the website.

Google crawlers will gather the information about your website and also organize the information accordingly. Due to this, when you conduct a Google search on anything, you will instantly get possible results.

Google also states that the crawlers pay close attention to new websites besides the changes to the existing website. The majority of the websites that you see listed in the search results were not submitted manually to Google for inclusion. Instead, the sites are found automatically by some crawlers who are looking for new web content.

Is WordPress good for SEO?

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As you have a good understanding of SEO, you might also have a question about how SEO differs on WordPress and other platforms. SEO on WordPress is straightforward to manage. You can inspect the current performance and settings of the WordPress website and resolve several related issues before you do anything else. Thankfully the WordPress platform makes this relatively easy if you want to get going.

The SEO checklist to enhance your content platforms

It would be best if you revisit the way you approach SEO in 2022, especially. It is no longer adequate to keep doing things the way you have been with the number of optimization points present here. Because of this, you must organize an excellent plan for your website that leave no stone untouched.

Check the meta tags

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One of the basic steps for on-page SEO is checking and optimizing your meta tags. It is because its features vital ranking factors, which include the title tag. When you optimize the title tags, you must ensure that the keyword you target is present. When you optimize the meta tags will also want to optimize the meta descriptions. Several site owners forget to check the meta robots. This can also lead to unwanted errors critically.

Resolve the issues featuring duplicate content

Two problems you need to face if you end up having duplicate content on your website. Firstly your search engine, including Google, will flag the duplicate content as spam. Additionally, the same content can dilute the keywords you are using through the website. You need to consider that duplicate content is not unique to the body of the article or any other pieces of the content published. It is impossible to avoid duplicate content in some situations, like two different product pages for the same items, but they're of various sizes. In that case, you can use the canonical tag to avoid dropping your Google ranking.

Understand the intent

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Search intent is undoubtedly a big thing in 2022. It is the only reason you have to optimize the new and current pages. We have to check the list of keywords that you are targeting. We should look for the ones not on the initial page of your search result despite your best foot forward. You need to search those keywords on Google and take a look at what Google is rewarding for the keywords you are using. Once you are confident or understand the chosen keyword's intent, you can go back to the page you are trying to improve or even adjust. Keywords in the post are essential.

Optimize the page experience or the core web vitals

Page experience or the core web vitals in 2021 worked as SEO factors. Due to this, it needs to be on your checklist now, also. Submit rises make up the core web vitals, including the first input delay and most considerable content full paint. Page experience features the most widely used SEO factors on the flipside. Google has grouped them under the page experience umbrella. It includes mobile friendliness, HTTP, and safe browsing. These vitals will be included in the page experience and would be a great topic that needs its guide.

Stay updated by adding new posts and pages

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No doubt old posts or pages you published one year ago are one of the essential parts of your SEO checklist that will help improve traffic. You do this by looking at the posts and pages that you have been performing in the past but now have dropped off. Majority of the cases, you will also come across a situation where you've lost the search engine rankings of the previous posts because they contain outdated information.

This is something that the majority of WordPress site owners ignore because they are focused on publishing new content. The process of augmenting the old post might vary. Posts will need complete changes, while others can only be good to go with minor modifications.

Schema Markups

You must not underestimate its overall value to the WordPress website, even though structured information is not a SERP factor. When you properly apply the schema markup on your website pages, you will be eligible for rich results from Google. Several site owners overlook structure information. It is because it is not a direct ranking factor. It does take little time and often a lot of effort to apply the schema markup. Several tools will help you automate the entire process.

Several different plugins are available for this purpose, especially if you are a WordPress user

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Consider using accelerated mobile pages

your page will automatically strip down a page to the bare minimum when you use accelerated mobile pages. Here you will see only the header content and the post image. The process provides the mobile users the best possible UX as it makes the load time minimum. Several site owners do not even understand how the accelerated mobile pages contribute.

But Google confirms that using this is not just the overall factor but also the site speed factor. Amp will make your site load pretty fast. You need to know that using aMP does not make sense for all the site owners. You should avoid using an amp on all the product pages if you run the eCommerce website. Instead, it would be best if you focused on ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly.

Double-check all the internal links

Internal links are pretty crucial for your website structure and search rankings. One of the most important posts and pages on your website must have different internal links. These links will also help your target audience to navigate through your website quickly and also help in the process of converting them from users to customers.

Another reason you have to check the internal links is that you would be wasting the link juice by just linking the old pages of your website, which no longer exist.

Google search console verification

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You need to verify your site on the Google search console, which should be one of the first steps to take if you want to appear on Google. The process of the Google search console verification is pretty simple. You need to visit the Google search control and use the existing Google account to get logged in. all you need to do is verify your account by following the steps.

Submit a given sitemap

You must submit the site maps to help Google crawl your website once you have set up the search console. Google prioritizes the crawling URLs provided in the site map and will frequently crawl them. URLs not in the site map will still be crawled, but it is not a significant priority. It is best to create different site maps to organize the URLs effectively. It would be best if you also had an image sitemap that would improve the SEO for your images.

Consider checking crawling errors and indexing

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You need access to Google's coverage report, which is one of the best parts of verifying your WordPress website. You would be alerted about the crawling errors in the coverage report that could prevent your pages from getting involved. You will see the list of URLs that are currently being indexed. URL switches are excluded from the search engine result pages and will have different warnings.

Ensure that you upgrade to GA 4

Google Analytics 4 is one of the best versions of analytics. It has the latest AI tech that will give you intelligent insights into marketing efforts. It will also allow you to integrate better with Google ads, which will help you better understand your life cycle. Google Analytics accounts are automatically under Google Analytics 4. It is recommended for you that you will move all the analytics funds to Ga 4 so you can take the benefits that it offers. Even though it might take a little time to adjust to how the new platform works, there is no better time than now to adapt to the recent changes and improve.


You will surely not get the perfect SEO practices overnight, but you have to master SEO with time, as every little step counts. While you are learning to perfect the best practices, you have to focus on avoiding the bad practices, which will help you stand out in the crowd.To be more expert in wordpress website designing, contact with DM Guru.

Sachin Gupta

Author Sachin Gupta - Digital Marketing Consultant

Website: www.sachingupta.in

Read More: About Sachin Gupta

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