Fifth Product Review Unleashed By Google –Before Core Update Is Done

Fifth Product Review Unleashed By Google –Before Core Update Is Done

On September 20 at around 4 am ET, Google released the fifth iteration of the Google product reviews updates, titled September 2022 product reviews update. We were alerted by Google a few weeks ago to expect this update, which is unusual because it follows so soon on the heels of the previous product reviews update, which was in July 2022.

This is the fifth iteration of an update to the search ranking algorithm designed to improve users' ability to find the most relevant and helpful product reviews on the web. The first was released on April 8, 2021; the second on December 1, 2021; the third on March 23, 2022; the fourth on July 27, 0222; and the fifth on September 20, 2022; the updates were named "product reviews." The new version is titled "Product Reviews Update — September 2022."

Review of Google's Products: Latest Version

The purpose of the new Google product reviews update is to highlight content that goes beyond the typical pre-written reviews. Google has stated that it will prioritize such product reviews in its search engine rankings.

Reviews that have "thin content that simply summarizes a bunch of products" and is otherwise of poor quality are not being downgraded by Google. However, it can feel like a penalty when you provide this type of content and then see your rankings drop due to other content being promoted over yours. Google maintains that this is not a punishment for the quality of your writing; instead, it results from the search engine favoring sites with more in-depth review content.

In theory, this update should only impact product reviews.

The Release

Release Fifth Product Review Update

The time required for this release is Google announced the release of the "September 2022 product reviews update for English-language product reviews" on March 21. It should be no surprise that these fundamental updates take a few weeks to implement. Most fluctuation in rankings is likely to occur at the beginning of this rollout. It took only five days to release the update in July of 2022.

Which aspects are affected?

Google has stated that "English-language product reviews" will be the focus of the initial rollout but that "creators of product reviews in any language" may be affected in the future. Search giant Google said it "plans to open up product review support for more languages" shortly because of the "positive effects" this update has had in the past.

The September core update is still in progress

The September core update is still in progress

Although the September 2022 core update is not yet complete, Google acknowledged as much on Twitter, writing, "Please be aware that the September 2022 core update is still in progress, but has made significant progress." We expect it to be available to the public within the next week and will announce it on the status page. In addition, Google detailed how to distinguish between the core update and the product reviews update and learn whether or not you were affected by either:

It was explained by Google as follows: "If you see a change and wonder if it's related to the core update or the product reviews update:

  • It could be connected to the review-writing work you do.
  • If that's not the case, it could be due to the latest core update.

Advice on product reviews, revised from the past

According to Google's official announcement, the update will prioritize results written by "experts or enthusiasts who know the topic well," i.e., content that provides original research and insightful analysis. The following is a list of "additional useful questions to consider in product reviews," similar to the fundamental update recommendations discussed above. Google suggests you address these issues and questions in your product reviews. Create some product evaluations.

  • Use your extensive product knowledge when necessary.
  • Go above and beyond manufacturer-provided materials by demonstrating the product's physical characteristics or its use in truly original ways?
  • How well does the product perform in different areas, and give numbers to back that up?
  • What makes your product better than the rest?
  • Discuss comparable alternative options, or describe when and why one product might be preferable to another?
  • Based on your research, what are the pros and cons of a specific product you've chosen to discuss?
  • How has the product improved since the last version you used?
  • Exactly what issues have you run into while using the product?
  • Determine what factors influence buyers in your product's category and how well your product fares in those areas. For instance, a vehicle review may rate its performance based on how well it handles, how safe it is, and how efficiently it uses gas.
  • Beyond the manufacturer's claims, what are some of the most salient design decisions, and how do they affect the end user?
  • To demonstrate your expertise and add credibility to your review, you should include images, audio, or links that show your use of the product.
  • Provide several different vendor options so that the reader can purchase from a store that is most convenient for them.

There was also a reference to a blog post from earlier this year titled "Better Product Information for Shoppers" by Google.

Within this third update to the product reviews, Google added three new pieces of guidance:
  • Can ranked lists and comparison reviews benefit from updated product reviews? Yes. Any thoughts, regardless of format, will benefit from the latest revisions. What we've outlined as best practices is relevant to this as well. You may need to condense your demonstration of expertise and reinforcement of authenticity if you're using a ranked list because of its limited length. One way to do this is to include test results and images you took using the product.
  • Where can I find suggestions for the "best" product reviews? It's essential to give the reader an idea of why you think a product is the best in general or the best for a specific use if you're going to recommend it. Just what makes this product better than its competitors? Explain why it is that this product serves its suggested function so well. Be sure to back up your claims with examples from personal experience.
  • Is it necessary to write separate reviews for each product if I write one that discusses several? Writing in-depth reviews of each product you recommend, and a ranked list of related products can be beneficial. If you choose to correspond both, your ranked list needs to have enough information to be read on its own.
No core update

In addition, Google has stated in the past that product review updates are distinct from core updates. This update is being released on its own and referred to as the "product reviews update." Google clarified to us that this is distinct from its periodic core updates. Google did note, however, that its previous guidance for major updates still stands: "about producing quality content for those is also relevant here." Google also offered additional tips and tricks for making the most of this update.

The reason we care
No core update

You should see if your search engine rankings have changed if your website features content such as product reviews. Did you see an increase, decrease, or maintenance in your organic Google traffic?

Long-term, you'll want to make sure that in the future, you put a lot more detail and effort into your product review content so that it is unique and stands out from the competition online.

This update to the product reviews is scheduled for release in September 2022, and it may provide compensation to those negatively affected by earlier core updates.

Sachin Gupta

Author Sachin Gupta - Digital Marketing Consultant


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